[gravata]When was the last time you took a specialization course?[/gravata]
The profile of the professional who works in equipment technical assistance has changed a lot in recent years. In refrigeration, this transformation process has also occurred and brought new challenges for those who work or plan to work in the field. The current refrigeration technician needs to have greater technical training, always be updated, taking courses, staying connected and flexible to change.
The required knowledge level increased because of two main factors: The first is due to the greater complexity of the cooling systems. The second factor is the increasing level of consumer demands in general, they know their rights and don’t accept low quality or improvised services. This means that anyone who wants to stay in the market needs to study, update themselves, seek advice from specialists and keep up with the technological evolution. Today’s refrigeration equipment is different from those that existed years ago – and the contractor must be ready to deal with them. For this, improvement must be constant. After all, technology doesn’t stop evolving and professionals need to know what’s new so they aren’t excluded from the market. The good news is that professionals coming to the market, in general, have more extensive technical training and have already realized that you can’t enter this market without mastering skills that are fundamental. Learn by doing, seeing how a more experienced professional works, is no longer enough.
Technical Course Offerings

Prof. Ageu de Almeida Matos, from IFPE.
In this new scenario, options for technical courses don’t stop growing, attracting not only beginners, but also those already in the profession for some time. In many schools the number of more experienced students has been growing, which shows what several contractors have already realized, the need for new knowledge and to recycle themselves.
“Most of the time students are adults and many work to survive, whereas 10 or 20 years ago there were more teenagers in the classroom. We also discovered that some who already work in the area are only now beginning to formally qualify themselves with technical training”, affirms Professor Ageu de Almeida Matos, from IFPE – Federal Institute of Pernambuco – one of the country’s most respected technical refrigeration courses.
Inside the digital world
In recent years, the internet has become an indispensable tool in the daily lives of professionals from all areas and contractors also need, increasingly, to be connected and know how to use the wide variety of resources that their use provide, in terms of information and facilities to develop their activities. “New technologies are a constant in daily professional life “, emphasizes the professor.
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- Have good technical training;
- Seek to be constantly updated;
- Be attentive to market developments;
- Be flexible and be able to adapt to new situations;
- Relate well with the public;
- Know how to communicate;
- Be concerned about the environmental impact of their work;
- Have an ethical and responsible attitude.
In addition, the cellular phone has become a very useful tool, opening the possibility to photograph or record audio and video with an ease that didn’t exist before. “Many contractors use cell phones to file electrical schematics for future reference”, states Matos. When they have doubts or want to know more, they search on the internet to find technical information on equipment, components and procedures.
On the websites of companies like Embraco, it’s possible, for example, to have precise guidelines on various aspects of the activity. In addition, you can download useful technical materials. Other interesting possibilities are the discussion forums and exchange of experiences that are being created, of which many professionals participate, such as the Refrigeration Website or Forofrio. The secret, when searching for information on the Internet, is finding reliable sources. It’s not enough to just put the desired word in Google and access the first results that appear. It’s necessary to know who is responsible for the information and how credible they are. The best thing is to always give preference to known companies, educational institutions, associations like Abrava and government agencies. The brand new Refrigeration Club site is another important support for contractors.
Exceeding customer expectations
According to Professor Matos, the professional needs to develop a set of essential skills to find his place in the market. He should work to meet the demands and expectations of those who hired him and, if possible, exceed them. When looking for a technician, the customer wants a solution to a problem through quality service and this includes:
- Efficient and courteous service;
- Understanding their needs;
- Executing the service according to the best technique;
- Maintaining order and cleanliness in the area;
- Charging a fair value;
- A warranty regarding the work done.
These are the basic aspects valued by the customer that will ensure their satisfaction. A satisfied customer comes back to use the services of those who attended them well and, more than this, recommends the professional to their social circle, expanding opportunities for a good contractor.
The secret is in the quality. One of the world’s leading specialists on this issue, the American Philip Crosby, teaches a principle that should guide the actions of all contractors: quality is not something you can see and identify. It’s linked to fulfilling the requirements set by the customer. In short, today’s contractor must combine several basic characteristics: good training, willingness to constantly be updated, quality service and responsible attitude. This is the ideal profile. Are you prepared?