Market gets more demanding every time in relation to the use of the best practices.
Eduardo Macedo Ferraz e Souza
Director of Escola Senai Oscar Rodrigues Alves de Refrigeração e Climatização (SP)
Mechanical Engineer, with postgraduate degrees in Industrial Administration, Automotive Technology and Pedagogy, as well as an MBA in Strategic Management, Eduardo Macedo Ferraz and Souza has a solid graduation, which adds to his work experience. Has currently been working for 24 years with Professional Education in Senai-SP, of which 12 as the director of the Escola Oscar Rodrigues Alves de Refrigeração e Climatização, in São Paulo.
How important is it to do a good technical course?
Every professional with a vision of the future and who is attentive to the technological innovations of the sector, needs to participate in courses and training. One should also be aware that the investment in professional training allows the maintenance of this labor market, not only competitive, but increasingly demanding regarding the best practices of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
So, there isn’t place for professionals who don’t have a technical course?
Courses were always required by the market, and this necessity only developed over time. Reinforcing, however, a necessity of investment of the professionals in their training.
Do the courses accompany the changes in the market and technology?
The Senai-SP courses offer is in line with the sector’s demand, and is directly linked to the profile of companies, which increasingly adopt strategies aimed at competitiveness, energy efficiency and automation. The planning of the courses is put into effect according to the necessities of the industry. We observe the principal of employability. Or be it, the course must should provide the immediate opportunity for employment or re-qualification to enter the labor market.
Where can the innovations in the sector be seen?
The innovations of refrigeration and air conditioning can be verified and applied in various different areas in which the sector serves. Included in these are: civil construction, textile and confection, retail (supermarkets and shopping malls), hospitals, nutrition, chemistry (pharmaceutical industry), home appliances and automotive.
Which new competencies or professionals must there be?
We can see the sector’s concern not only with the environment or with energy efficiency, but with the overall sustainability of buildings. This happens in the whole world, the context is global. Other themes keep gaining more importance every time, such as the logistical aspects of the cold chain.
For this, lots of professionals observe the necessity to specialize themselves, even up to post-graduation level. Senai offers opportunities of courses of this type, noticing that the work market gets more and more criticism every day, in relation to the profile and behaviors of the refrigeration professionals.
What other actions can the professional take to train themselves and recycle their knowledge?
Participate in the events is an excellent option. An example is the Semana Tecnológica Senai da Refrigeração e Climatização, which is a free event, and which has its objective in disclosing information through speeches, mini-courses and product exhibitions.
Another important action to accompany the technology is to visit Febrava, the biggest fair of the Latin American sector, which will happen this year in São Paulo.
Get to know more about the Escola Senai Oscar Rodrigues Alves
The Escola Senai Oscar Rodrigues Alves, located in São Paulo, in Ipiranga neighborhood, has specialized laboratories and offices. It maintains a close relationship with Sindratar-SP (Union of Refrigeration, Heating and Air Treatment Industries in the state of São Paulo) and partnership with Abrava (Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating) and several companies in the sector, being recognized as a reference center in Professional Training in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Apart from the refrigeration and air conditioning technical courses, a lot more is offered in the area, on various levels: Mechanical Industrial Apprenticeship of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, initial and continuous training courses (short-term) and up until post-graduation. The complete relation can be consulted on:
Since 1949, when it was founded, the school registered more than 250 thousand enrollments. In 2016, approximately 5 thousand students enrolled themselves in it’s courses.