[gravata]What are the most suitable compressors for harsh working conditions?[/gravata] Compressors are the components of refrigerators, either household or commercial, responsible for the “heavy work” to maintain their appropriate temperatures. Even at high summer temperatures, the action of the compressors allows the heat to be removed from the inside of refrigerators, ensuring, for example, suitable food preservation. According to Michel Moreira, product portfolio leader for commercial refrigeration, compressors are responsible for the beginning of the refrigeration cycle. Their job is to displace the refrigerant fluid, always in the form of vapor, along the refrigerant circuit to the evaporator, the circuit’s final element, which ensures heat removal within the system. Through the evaporation process, the refrigerant fluid, which at the beginning of this stage was in liquid form, at the end will be vapor once again. “When we consider certain applications, such as beverage coolers, freezers, cold chambers and ice machines, we find that each one requires specific compressors, according to their respective technical characteristics”, highlights Michel, he reports also that different applications require distinct types of compressors and therefore require distinct motors. “In hermetic compressors, motors are discretely contained in a single housing and the set is just called a compressor. In reality, each hermetic compressor for refrigeration is a motor-compressor set”, he says. For Embraco, developing efficient and robust solutions that enable its customers’ refrigerators to function normally, even in harsh operating conditions, is not just a business. “It’s the desire to provide consumers with a unique experience through the use of its most advanced technologies in cooling solutions, since transforming ideas into high-tech products is what sets us apart in the global hermetic compressor and cooling solutions market”, he explains. See the list of Embraco compressors for large projects (click to enlarge):