Events like the World Cup and the Olympics in Brazil generate great opportunities to start profitable activities – this is the time for entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur is someone who has the qualities to create, open and manage their own business. It doesn’t seem an easy task but, in fact, the spirit of entrepreneurship is increasingly on the rise in Brazil. According to federal government statistics, about 22 million Brazilians practice some entrepreneurial activity, representing 17% of the population. But what’s the profile of the entrepreneur contractor? What characteristics must he have for the business to succeed? Being an entrepreneur is a question of attitude, it’s the will to make it happen, to innovate. To open their own business contractors should see opportunities where others don’t, be persistent and set targets to achieve their goals. According to the entrepreneurship professor of Empreende, a worldwide organization of consulting firms in the area, Eduardo Vilas Boas, Brazilians are a persistent entrepreneur who doesn’t give up when faced with difficulties and tries again until they succeed, they make it happen. “A true entrepreneur knows how to create something new that will generate a new value for the economy”, he affirms. [box side=”alignright” color=”box-verde” pos=”vertical”] Characteristics of an entrepreneur:
- Proactive: always suggesting changes and improvements.
- Innovative: seeks pioneering initiatives to solve problems.
- Positive: always sees more often the positive side of things.
- Updated: vision of future and courage to take risks.
- Responsible: has organizational and planning skills.
- Persistent: doesn’t give up when facing the first difficulties.
- Communicative: knows how to listen to people, to express themselves and be understood.
- Innate leader: has the ability to work in teams.
[/box] A good entrepreneur is always informed about customers, suppliers, competitors, products and services. Besides this, he also has the humility to listen to everyone, knowing that good ideas can come from anywhere. He’s the kind of person who positively surprises customers and his own staff, with quality and efficiency. According to Bruno Caetano, managing director of the Support Service for Micro and Small Companies of the state of São Paulo – Sebrae – SP, he has to know how to be daring and take risks in a calculated way, keeping his feet on the ground. “The successful entrepreneur doesn’t want to be just one more”, he states. But, there’s no need to have a large company, just a small business that is his, enough economically and that makes him happier. Having your own business is to be responsible for your own destiny. For anyone interested in opening their own business, here is a tip from Marcelo Nakagawa, coordinator of the Insper Entrepreneurship Center (CEMP) – an Institute for Research and Education: constantly seek inspiration to be a good entrepreneur. Enjoy business, go after information of large companies and entrepreneurial people you admire. Read about the subject and study it. Inspiration can come even from the competition – but not only from it. Read in the next edition of the Refrigeration Club the main procedures and what are the first steps to start a business. [box side=”alignleft” color=”box-vermelho” pos=”horizontal”] Brazilian websites with tips on how to become an entrepreneur: (click on) Portal do Empreendedor (Entrepreneur website) Canal do Empreendedor (Entrepreneur channel) Ambiente Empreendedor (Entrepreneur environment) Movimento Empreenda Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios (Small Companies & Big Business Empreenda movement) [/box]