Gaining customer’s trust is a huge challenge faced daily by the professional who performs services in the field of refrigeration. Any detail which goes by without being carefully evaluated can be decisive in losing credibility in the market and with the consumers. What is the best way to acquire customer’s confidence? What does he expect of the refrigeration professional? Despite each person might face unique experiences with contracted services, there are certain important tips for the professional wishing to offer a good service level.
Check out 4 relevant and essential points to establish a relationship of trust with your customers:
1- Be transparent with the customer: One of the main traits people normally enjoy is to receive clear, trustworthy information. There is no point in having only quality and technical knowledge if the customer does not know the way of working, how a potential support will be provided in the case of unexpected events come to occur. Everyone knows that unforeseen situations and errors could happen – if this is the case, the advice is: talk to the customer about what is really happening and always face the real facts.
“I believe that working seriously is essential for winning over a customer. Friendliness, honesty, commitment and respect. I believe that these are the differentials among the best refrigeration technicians”, states the refrigeration technician Taís Regina Bitencourt, 23 years old, from Concórdia (SC).
The old saying is extremely valid when rendering services is concerned. If you have promised, for example, a due date, deliver it at any cost. As important to deliver what was promised is to adjust the conduct for the next services: try not to promise something that you won’t be able to execute. As a market practice it is often observed that, to gain the customer at the moment of the sale, certain professionals end up over promising terms or prices that would not be feasible and this is not a sustainable way of working.
Therefore, it is important to analyze in detail what is required in the service, what needs to be done, to be able to better estimate required time and investment. If any of the terms still not being somehow feasible, the best way is to notify the customer beforehand and keep him updated on the evolution of the next steps of your job. Remember: transparency in dealing with the information is frequently more important for the customer than any potential delay itself.
2- Do not offer “any old thing”: A quality service perception is highly appreciated by your customer. Always treat them with care, attention and friendliness to win them over when executing your job.
“When we perform excellent work and meet the customer’s expectations, consequently we gain him. Low prices and cheap labor alone do not conquer the customer. To do so, we must be responsible, honest and correct”, emphasizes Taís.
Another tip is always to offer good alternatives for the orders requested by the customers which are difficult to fulfill. However, if not possible, it is best to say no than to run the risk of losing confidence and credibility.
3- Charge the fair amount: Charging cheaply to gain the customer or being afraid to charge the fair amount not to lose him may not be always the best strategy. When you position yourself as a low cost option, your customer might think you will provide low service level. After working for a value under the average of the market, you might face problems in the next times providing your services for the same customers: they might think you are trying to deceive them.
There is also the case when a higher amount is needed to be charged due to a specific demand, such as more expensive parts, a highly specialized job nature or the requirement of a greater allocation of time to execute the service. In all above mentioned situations, it is essential to clearly explain the reasons for the potential differences in the cost of the services. If indicated beforehand, it would be easier to approve your budget.
“I always do everything to well serve the customer and offer a great service. Even though the price may be a little more expensive, it is important to charge what is fair and the person be satisfied”, comments the refrigeration technician Juarez de Souza Ferreira, 52 years old, of Paranavaí (PR). According to him, being transparent about the quality of the material used is indispensable. “This is why it is almost zero the likelihood of a service done by me requiring rework, as I do it with resistant and original parts and a great care”, says Ferreira.
Stay informed! Read more on How should one act regarding customers’ complaints.